Scientific Method TEKS
The scientific method is a way that scientists use to find answers to questions and solve problems. It helps them discover new things about the world around us. The steps of the Scientific Method include:
Identify a problem
Do some research
Develop a hypothesis
Write your procedures
Test your hypothesis
Organize your data
State your conclusion
Identify a problem:
First, scientists start by noticing something interesting or a question they want to answer. It could be about how something works, why something happens, or a problem they want to solve.
Do some research:
Scientists gather information about what is already known about the topic. They read books, articles, and talk to other scientists to learn as much as they can. This helps them understand what others have discovered and what they still need to find out.
Develop a hypothesis:
A hypothesis is a possible answer or explanation for the problem or question. Scientists use their research and knowledge to make an inference or a prediction about what they think might happen.
Write your procedures:
Procedures are the detailed steps scientists follow to test their hypothesis. They plan out exactly what they will do, what materials they will need, and how they will measure or observe the results.
Test your hypothesis:
Scientists make observations and/or conduct experiments to see if their hypothesis is correct. They carefully follow their procedures and collect data, which is information or measurements they gather during the experiment or observation.
Organize your data:
Scientists analyze and organize the data they collected. They might use tables, charts, or graphs to help them see patterns or trends in the data. This makes it easier to understand and interpret the results.
State your conclusion:
After analyzing the data, scientists draw conclusions based on what they found. They compare the results to their hypothesis and decide if it was supported or not. They explain what the data means and what they have learned from the experiment. Technically, the most appropriate way for a scientist to conclude their investigation is that they can either reject their hypothesis or that they fail to reject their hypothesis.
Remember, the scientific method is a cyclical process, and scientists often repeat these steps multiple times to refine their understanding and make new discoveries. It's all about asking questions, investigating, testing ideas, and building our knowledge about the world around us.
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