K-8 Science TEKS


is the use of evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena, as well as the knowledge generated through this process.  

National Academy of Sciences

Kindergarten Science TEKS


1st Grade Science TEKS

1st Grade

2nd Grade Science TEKS

2nd Grade

3rd Grade Science TEKS

3rd Grade

4th Grade Science TEKS

4th Grade

5th Grade Science TEKS

5th Grade

The implementation of the 2021 adopted Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science in Elementary and Middle School will occur in the 2024-25 school year.  

6th Grade Science TEKS

6th Grade

7th Grade Science TEKS

7th Grade

8th Grade Science TEKS

8th Grade

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Recurring Themes and Concepts

Recurring Themes and Concepts

Matter and Energy

Matter and Energy

Force, Motion, and Energy

Force, Motion, and Energy

Earth and Space

Earth and Space

Organisms and Environments

Organisms and Environments

Explore reccuring themes for the 2021 Revised Science TEKS: 

Delve into the Scientific and Engineering practices: